Custard Sauce

Custard Sauce

What better way than a delicious Custard Sauce to flavor your breakfast and relaunch this blog?

I do apologize but this little Hobbit had to take a very unexpected trip outside the Shire to the land where Romans used to roam once upon a time… One thing I was reminded off is, that Italians have some very cool customs of their own when it comes to food and drink. One very specific one is coffee, and there are as many varieties to take one as there are meals for Hobbits; First Breakfast is definitely Espresso, Second Breakfast will have a creamy Cappuccino of course, while Elevensies would be an Espresso Martini of some kind as aperitif. Luncheon will end in a quick Macchiato and Tea is a must have Affogato al Cafe’ ( ice coffee Italian style with vanilla ice cream). Dinner is serving a Tiramisu for dessert and Supper will end the day with a Cafe’ Corretto, namely an espresso with a shot of Grappa or Schnaps ore something of that kind… So all in all I think Bilbo and Frodo would approve.

Back to our business of Shire cookery then.

As I said, this recipe is very decadent and suits itself to indulge a little extra sweetness for cakes, cookies and fruit. My cat was trying to get some too, it could smell the cream and came to investigate.

Again a super easy and quick way to give your day a pick me up in the most delicious way. I do love the taste of the brandy in it and even though I made only half the recipe I still kept the full spoon of brandy in it…

Currant Scones

Currant Scones

These little beauties came out of the oven this morning for breakfast.

I seem to be on a baking roll these days and instead of waiting a week, since I had another day off, I continued my quest for tasty morsels from Westfarthing…

Now these currant scones are very delicious and I am eyeing the clothed cream recipe to add for the spread. Today I added a little butter and raspberry jam and felt like I was just sitting in Bag End, waiting for Bilbo to come back with the tea. Should I be worried about sprouting some coarse thick hair on my feet? I might be turning into a fat little Hobbit girl? Maybe I’ll turn into Rosie and I’ll angle me that shy gardener from number 3 at Bagshot Row…

Anyway the scones are super light and airy, I munched two of them and do not feel over full. I made them quite small, I think they are supposed to be a little larger, maybe next time I’ll use a different glass to cut them and I’ll leave the dough a bit higher too. So thank you miss Monroe-Cassel for this delight.

If you guys are following my other posts, I suggest you look into getting this little cookbook, you will not be disappointed, I promise.

Overnight Porridge

Overnight Porridge

Second Breakfast has knocked on my kitchen door today.

This Overnight Porridge was another super easy and simple meal to prepare. I enhanced mine with butter, raspberry jam, chopped almonds and a touch of cinnamon. It was a very sweet affair.

If anyone has the book and is wondering why I did not make the rustic sausages, it’s because I have to find beef suet, one of the ingredients, and it seems that it is not as readily available as it is in England, so I am doing some research on it. Hopefully I’ll have it soon to go back and make the sausages.

In the meantime I will continue my quest of good Hobbit fare or I might throw in some completely different fantasy world food to mix it up a bit.

One thing I certainly found out for me is, that I am not really a porridge kind of girl, no matter how sweet the toppings are. Don’t get me wrong, it was very tasty porridge, but I find it too mild and boring for my own taste. I am looking forward to the scones on the next page though…

So, on I go with more Shire food, tune in next week for something yummy.